Ребята! Хотите заработать 50 баксов? Мои друзья делают опрос! Заполните We are inviting you to participate in a research study that examines how experiences that people have in their daily lives relate to their work/business experiences. Participation in this study will involve answering (1) a series of questions about your work/business experience and (2) completing a psychological test that assesses individual personality traits. Answering all questions will take approximately 40-50 min. If you participate in this study we will provide you with your comprehensive personality profile, based on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) - the most widely used and validated standardized psychometric test of adult personality. We will also let you know where your individual personality traits place on the distribution in general population. In addition, there is 1 in 10 chance that you will win $50. The study is conducted via the SOM eLab: https://elab.som.yale.edu. The code name of the study is "Daily Lives Study”.

Теги других блогов: личность опрос исследование